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A SBA Preferred Lender
Expanding Options for Small Businesses

Stronger businesses make for stronger communities. As an SBA Preferred Lender, Horizon advisors have helped strengthen local communities for decades by navigating the SBA lending process for our small business clients. Horizon Bank SBA loans make it easier for small businesses to start, grow and thrive by getting them the funding they need at favorable terms.

Explore Your SBA Loan Options

SBA 7(a) Business Loans

Versatility, Meet Speed

With term loans of up to $5M, this flagship of the SBA lending program brings affordable financing to meet numerous small business needs: acquisition, expansion, equipment, real estate, working capital, start-up, and more. Horizon’s status as an SBA Preferred Lender and our decades of experience help secure funds quickly for qualified borrowers. Longer-term options, flexible collateral requirements, and smaller monthly payments make the SBA 7(a) an especially attractive loan.

SBA 504 Loans

Taking the long view

This more specialized small business loan is intended more for your business’ physical resources. It provides long-term, fixed-rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets. This includes the acquisition or improvement of equipment and/or real estate - things that promote business growth and job creation. Longer terms, a fixed interest rate, and a lower required down payment are all characteristics of the 504 loan.

USDA Rural Development

The USDA Business and Industry (B&I) Loan Program offer financial backing and resources for businesses located in rural areas to finance real estate, equipment and working capital. Businesses do not need to be agricultural related. The USDA backs the loan by providing a guaranty of between 60 – 80%. Term loans of up to 30 years.

USDA Farm Service Agency

Loans to help farmers and ranchers get the financing they need to start, expand or maintain a family farm.

Capital Access Program (CAP)

This loan program operates under a self-insurance concept, whereby the borrower pays a fee, which is matched by the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), with the total placed into a loan loss reserve at Horizon to cover future losses on any loan enrolled into the CAP program.

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